Online course (MOOC)

Want to know more about topics related to this MSc? There are online courses available.

Understanding Nuclear Energy

Learn the science and technology behind nuclear energy and the special features of this energy source.
In this nuclear energy course, we will tackle provocative questions such as:
•    Is nuclear energy a good substitute for fossil fuels to reduce our CO2 emission or not?
•    Can nuclear reactors operate safely without any harm to the public and environment?
•    How much nuclear waste is produced and how long does it need to be stored safely?
•    How can we make nuclear energy clean and more sustainable?
•    How much are nuclear energy costs?

The Basics of Transport Phenomena 

Learn the basic framework to work on a broad spectrum of engineering problems concerning transfer of heat, mass and momentum. Learn through examples of everyday processes at home, in the lab and in industry.
Have you ever wondered why ventilation helps to cool down your hot chocolate? Do you know why a surfing suit keeps you warm? Why iron feels cold, while wood feels warm at room temperature? Or how air is transferred into aqueous liquids in a water treatment plant? How can we sterilize milk with the least amount of energy?

Advanced Transport Phenomena

Learn how to tackle complex mass and heat transfer problems and apply the results in your own environment.
How can you reduce the energy loss of your home? What is the underlying science of energy loss in pipes? Which heat and mass transfer problems do we have to tackle to make consumer products?
In this engineering course, you will learn about the engineering principles that play an important role in all of these and more phenomena. You will learn about microbalances, radiation, convection, diffusion and more and their applications in everyday life.