Materials and Manufacturing

The Materials and Manufacturing profile is suitable for you if you are interested in developing new high-performing materials and advanced manufacturing technologies for aerospace applications, ranging from designing materials at a microscopic level to applying novel manufacturing methods for the creation of complex structures with enhanced durability and functionality.

Profile courses

The profile courses for students of the Materials and Manufacturing profile are listed below. Please note that profile courses are in both the 2nd and 3rd period.

Name Period # EC
Polymer Science (more) 2 4
Characterization of Materials and Components (more) 2 4
Polymer Composite Manufacturing (more) 2 4
Additive Manufacturing (more) 2 3



The elective courses can be done throughout the academic year. The suggested electives to complement the core and profile courses are listed below. Students can choose other subjects as electives, but the master track coordinator will determine if they are appropriate.

Name Period # EC
Functional Coatings (more) 2 3
Experimental Techniques & NDT (more) 2 3
Trinity exercise (more) 2-3 4
Design of Self-healing materials (more) 3 3
Materials for Space (more) 3 3
Industrial Composite Manufacturing (more) 3 3
Aircraft Manufacturing Laboratory (more) 1-4 6