
11 July 2024 - Go! for Adarsh Shajimon

Congratulations with your Go! to continue your PhD research at TU Delft, Adarsh!

9 February 2024 - Go! for Ismail Myouri and Nazeir Elnaker

Ismail Myouri and Nazeir Elnaker obtained the GO! to continue their PhD research in the project Seddiment to Soil (S2S). Congratulations, Ismail and Nazeir!!

30 November 2023 - Visiting the Port of Rotterdam as a part of the CO Module ‘Suspensions, sludges and soils’ for MS students in Civil Engineering

Master students participated in a three days of laboratory work at the DELTARES lab where they had the opportunity to polish their experimental skills.

15 - 29 November 2023 - From Theory to Practice: CEGM2000 Laboratory Explorations

30 Nov 2023 - Julia Gebert presents BIOMUD and RHEOMUD results at NIOZ, Texel

October 2023 - PhD student Menno Buisman wins the best conference paper award at MetroSea2023

Early October Menno Buisman attended the MetroSea2023, which is a conference about oceanography. For his abstract and presentation he was awarded the Best Conference Paper Award. He presented his work about measuring water height, water depth and current velocity with fiber optics. This research is being performed to see whether one can continuously determine depths in ports and waterways in innovative ways without having to use a surveyor ship. Well done Menno!

August 2023 – Workshop on port maintenance between HPA, NPorts and MUDNET

June 2023 – MoU between 7 EU ports and TU Delft is signed!!!

April 2023 – MUDNET is invited to give a workshop at the University of Tsukuba (Japan)

September 2022 – Workshop on sailing through mud in Hamburg

August 2022 – A warm welcome to new PhD students Ismail and Nazeir! They will work for the NWO project “S2S: from sediment to soil”

MUDNET Educational Meetings

12 July 2024

Guangan Wu (NIOZ): Where river meets sea: how source and deposition condition influence organic matter degradation in Rotterdam

Nick Hol (TU Eindhoven): Fast NMR imaging of clay sedimentation using a multi-slice stepper motor method

