Fibre reinforced polymer composites continue to fascinate researchers for their compelling properties at low weight, having an increasing impact in large industrial sectors such as aerospace, automotive and wind energy. In spite of the relative maturity of these materials, researchers are intrigued by the morphologies from the molecular scale to the micro- and meso-scale up the scale of the engineered structure and how they can be controlled. We are learning from nature that the intricate interplay of these various scales is at the origin of the superior performance, and it has become increasingly appealing to translate this knowledge to modern synthetic materials. This is why the research on manufacturing technologies of these materials spans through scales and disciplines alike.

This summer school addresses the interdisciplinary of multiscale manufacturing of composites. It aims at providing an insight knowledge on selected topics on composite manufacturing at various scales, how you can use it tailor the structure property relationships of materials at nano- to macroscale. From molecular design up the large scale robotic automation, how the link between processability and  structural properties is essential for effectively exploring the large design space and thus to reach the full potential of composite materials.

The summer school will be held from the 24th to 28th of June 2024 (the week before ECCM) at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Click here for the programme of the day. Through a combination of lectures, interactive experiments and workshops participants will develop new insights into current research, connect and exchange ideas and benefit from the collective expertise of our faculty and partners in academia and industry. It represents an opportunity to learn, for hands on experiences, for discussion amongst peers and for expanding your academic network.



Fibre reinforced polymer composites continue to fascinate researchers for their compelling properties at low weight, having an increasing impact in large industrial sectors such as aerospace, automotive and wind energy. In spite of the relative maturity of these materials, researchers are intrigued by the morphologies from the molecular scale to the micro- and meso-scale up the scale of the engineered structure and how they can be controlled. We are learning from nature that the intricate interplay of these various scales is at the origin of the superior performance, and it has become increasingly appealing to translate this knowledge to modern synthetic materials. This is why the research on manufacturing technologies of these materials spans through scales and disciplines alike.

This summer school addresses the interdisciplinary of multiscale manufacturing of composites. It aims at providing an insight knowledge on selected topics on composite manufacturing at various scales, how you can use it tailor the structure property relationships of materials at nano- to macroscale. From molecular design up the large scale robotic automation, how the link between processability and  structural properties is essential for effectively exploring the large design space and thus to reach the full potential of composite materials.

The summer school will be held from the 24th to 28th of June 2024 (the week before ECCM) at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Click here for the programme of the day. Through a combination of lectures, interactive experiments and workshops participants will develop new insights into current research, connect and exchange ideas and benefit from the collective expertise of our faculty and partners in academia and industry. It represents an opportunity to learn, for hands on experiences, for discussion amongst peers and for expanding your academic network.


For whom?

This course is aimed at young researchers (PhDs, Postdocs) who wish to explore the interdisciplinary between materials science, process modelling and automation  to develop their skills in the field of manufacturing of composites, to gain deeper insight into multiscale structuring of materials in composites and want to explore how materials and processes link to the composite properties at different scales.


This summer school is organized by Principal Investigators (PIs) from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering which focus on product and process innovation with advanced polymer composites. Our interdisciplinary research between materials science, engineering and manufacturing bridges from fundamental knowledge towards novel industrial technologies.

Organizing Committee:
Clemens Dransfeld, Kunal Masania, Daniël Peeters, Baris Caglar, Baris Kumru, and with administrative support of Tess Van Neerijnen.

For content related information, please contact the summer school coordinator Clemens Dransfeld.
For other practical information, please contact the ASM Secretary.

To register:

The course is fully booked, we are not accepting further registrations.

For whom?

This course is aimed at young researchers (PhDs, Postdocs) who wish to explore the interdisciplinary between materials science, process modelling and automation  to develop their skills in the field of manufacturing of composites, to gain deeper insight into multiscale structuring of materials in composites and want to explore how materials and processes link to the composite properties at different scales.


This summer school is organized by Principal Investigators (PIs) from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering which focus on product and process innovation with advanced polymer composites. Our interdisciplinary research between materials science, engineering and manufacturing bridges from fundamental knowledge towards novel industrial technologies.

Organizing Committee:
Clemens Dransfeld, Kunal Masania, Daniël Peeters, Baris Caglar, Baris Kumru, and with administrative support of Tess Van Neerijnen.

For content related information, please contact the summer school coordinator Clemens Dransfeld.
For other practical information, please contact ASM Secretary.

To register:

The course is fully booked, we are not accepting further registrations.