Print on Demand

For TU Delft OPEN Publishing, printing specialist Hollandridderkerk is offering the online print service for all books of OUR portfolio. Titles can be ordered directly from the TU Delft OPEN publishing website and are printed, invoiced and shipped globally to the customers. The company supplies high-quality print work for many different parties, including various scientific publishers.

The above principles are for single orders between the customer and Holland Ridderkerk

Multiple copies

If you want to order multiple copies and have them delivered to TU Delft or  on another location please  contact HR directly and tell them about your needs.

Payment of these orders will be managed by invoice. If the faculty or department of the TU Delft is responsible for the budget, a budget code (reference code) is essential for handling the invoice.

Contact Holland Ridderkerk

Sales Hollandridderkerk

Gert-Jan Kok