IEBB Learning Community: Measuring Behaviour in Dwellings

10 februari 2022 15:00 - Locatie: Online - Door: Urban Energy Institute | Zet in mijn agenda

IEBB Theme 2 Learning Community Meeting
Chair: Laure Itard 
Presenters: Marleen Spiekman, TNO & Bart Cremers, Zehnder
Date: Thurday, February 10th, 3-4:30pm CET

The IEBB learning community gathered to hear and discuss TNO and Zehnder's findings on two studies that examined user behaviour as it relates to energy consumption in homes.

Drs. ir. Marleen Spiekman is a Senior Scientist at TNO in the Built Environment group.

Watch the recording:

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Bart Cremers is the Group Knowledge Consultant - Ventilation Technologies at Zehnder Group International.

Download Bart's presentation 'Final Analysis of Indoor Air Quality and Energy Use Comparison of Balanced Ventilation and Window Ventilation' here.

Watch the recording:

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