Bart van Trigt

Breaking the high load - bad coordination multiplier in overheads sports injuries

Bart van Trigt
Male, 25
PhD - candidate TU Delft
Biomechanics; sports; injuries  

As a little child I had to sleep, but instead I was watching pictures inside an anatomy book and reading in a sports catalogue. During my high school I discovered that I like physics, biology and mathematics. The interests in these courses and in relation with my interest in sports, made me decide to study Human Movement Sciences in Amsterdam. After following courses, I went abroad to Shanghai, for my research master internship. Here I learned a lot about different cultures and also about myself. After the research master I was a lecturer at the Hague University of Applied Sciences. While giving lectures, I discovered that I missed doing research. So, I decided to do a PhD, but I had some demands: it should contain sports, biomechanics and working together with people. This is exactly what I am doing now with my PhD project ‘Breaking The High Load’. Twenty-five years later, I am still reading books in the night, discovering new things and use this for my research. However, next to learning and investigating, I would like to share my knowledge and to help people with it. This is what I hope to learn at the FameLab.

FameLab entry reasons
I would like to learn how to communicate science with the society. When you read a lot and doing experiments, it is hard to explain your knowledge to people who are not involved in your project. I would like to train myself how to explain the common theme of my project and not all the subquestions of the project.
No previous science communication experience.