Our research efforts have led to a number of useful software tools. The following are freely available for public use:
- The λ-MAC framework (A toolkit for building MAC protocols for TinyOS 2.1 (mica2 platform); comes with B-MAC, Crankshaft, LMAC, and T-MAC; see the accompanying paper)
- MiXiM (An integrated set of simulation models for WSNs simulations)
- Darjeeling (An open-source VM for microcontrollers)
- MBD for WSN (A Model-Based Diagnosis engine for TinyOS 2.1, see this MSc thesis)
- MEGS (A global state tool for WSN debugging; see the accompanying paper)
- WeyesBED (A WiseML visualization tool)
- An Energy-Efficient Sensing and Estimation Framework (See accompanying paper by C. Sarkar et al.)
- Sleeping Beauty: Efficient Communication for Node Scheduling (See accompanying paper by C. Sarkar et al.)
- Incremental Wi-Fi Scanning for Energy-Efficient Localization (See accompanying paper by N. Brouwers et al.)