In the area of Big Data Processing, the focus of the DS group is on the design, implementation, analysis, and benchmarking big-data processing systems. Specific research topics are:
- Designing and analyzing big-data processing systems
We have designed and analyzed of the BTWorld MapReduce-based workflow for analyzing monitoring data of the world-wide BitTorrent P2P system. With this work, we won the SCALE challenge at the CCGrid 2014 conference:
Bogdan Ghit, Mihai Capota, Tim Hegeman, Jan Hidders, Dick Epema, and Alexandru Iosup, "V for Vicissitude: The Challenge of Scaling Complex Big Data Workflows," CCGrid 2014.
- Large-scale graph processing
We are in the process of designing and implementing the Graphalytics graph processing benchmarking in collaboration with Intel Labs and Oracle.
- Large-scale privacy-preserving video distribution
Here is a video explaining our research.