Research area
P2P systems
The research topic in this project is to support creative audiovisual activities in virtual communities. We will build a prototype system that makes it easy for the members of such communities to create, reuse, and share audio and video productions over the Internet in a legal fashion, without costly servers, and without complex central system management.
P2P systems, virtual communities, video editing
University of Art and Design in Helsinki, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, the National Audiovisual Archive of Hungary, Kennisland, and Beeld en Geluid
Time frame
488 kEURO, FP-6, EU
Project web page
Project web page
PDS People involved
- Dick Epema, Associate Professor
- Johan Pouwelse, Asssitant Professor
- Henk Sips, Full Professor
- Arno Bakker, PostDoc
- Michel Meulpolder, PhD Student
- Ivaylo Haratcherev, PostDoc