Research area

Cloud Computing, Social Gaming Systems


The EIT EU Europa project aims to deliver a flagship system building project. The envisioned system is based on the Stratosphere system at TU Berlin. The system extends the Stratosphere in two respects: The PACT compiler (Stratosphere's optimizer) is extended to cope with more complex data, and Nephele (Stratosphere's execution engine) is extended in order to cope with streaming data and elasticity requirements. Further, the project aims to extend Stratosphere with elastic storage (integrating efforts undertaken at the REST, DIGHT, and VisionCloud projects at SICS/KTH), distributed indexing for complex data (ViP2P project at INRIA). Finally, the project aims to validate the undertaken research using challenging use-cases for online gaming (CAMEO at TU Delft), graph analytics (University of Trento), and big data analytics (Aalto University).


Aalto University (FI), INRIA Saclay-Paris (FR), KTH/SICS (SE), TU Berlin (DE), U. Trento (IT)


350+ kEURO, EU EIT

People involved

Alexandru Iosup, Assistant Professor