O. Isabella MSc O. Isabella MSc

Head of the Photovoltaic Materials and Devices group



  • Name, surname: Olindo Isabella
  • Gender: Male
  • Date and place of birth: 12/11/1979, Naples (Italy)
  • Nationality: Italian
  • Marital status: Married


  • Doctorate cum laude from Delft University of Technology, Delft (the Netherlands)
  • Defence date: 28/01/2013
  • Promotor: Prof. dr. Miro Zeman
  • Subjects: Opto-electronics, materials science, hybrid numerical modelling
  • PhD thesis title: Light management in thin-film silicon solar cells
  • Electronic Engineering from University of Napoli Federico II, Naples (Italy)
  • Date: 27/05/2007
  • Supervisors: Prof. dr. Leo de Vreede, Prof. dr. Niccoló Rinaldi
  • Subject: Electronic Engineering
  • MSc thesis title: Highly linear diode based I/Q modulators


  • Doctorate cum laude from Delft University of Technology, Delft (the Netherlands)
  • Defence date: 28/01/2013
  • Promotor: Prof. dr. Miro Zeman
  • Subjects: Opto-electronics, materials science, hybrid numerical modelling
  • PhD thesis title: Light management in thin-film silicon solar cells
  • Electronic Engineering from University of Napoli Federico II, Naples (Italy)
  • Date: 27/05/2007
  • Supervisors: Prof. dr. Leo de Vreede, Prof. dr. Niccoló Rinaldi
  • Subject: Electronic Engineering
  • MSc thesis title: Highly linear diode based I/Q modulators

Professional career

  • 13/07/2021 - present: Full professor at TU Delft (chair: Photovoltaic Technologies and Applications)
  • 01/01/2019 - present: Head of the PVMD group at TU Delft
  • 01/10/2017 - 31/12/2018: Associate professor at TU Delft
  • 12/11/2016 - 30/09/2017: Assistant professor at TU Delft (tenured)
  • 15/02/2013 - 11/11/2016: Assistant professor at TU Delft (tenure tracker)
  • 29/01/2013 - 13/02/2013: Visiting researcher at Kaneka / AIST (Japan)
  • 01/10/2012 - 28/01/2013: Researcher at TU Delft
  • 01/10/2011 - 30/09/2012: Visiting researcher at Kaneka / AIST (Japan)

Supervised staff and students (since 15/02/2013 and as of 31/05/2022)

  • Professors (full, part-time, associate, assistant): 9
  • Postdocs: > 20 
  • PhD candidates: > 20 (defended 8, 1 x cum laude)
  • Visiting PhDs and researchers: > 5
  • B.Sc. and M.Sc. students supervised: > 260 (personally > 110)
  • Technicians and secretary: 5


  • 02/03/2021 - present: Director of the TU Delft PV Technology Centre
  • 01/01/2019 - present: Head of the PVMD group at TU Delft
  • 01/01/2019 - present: Member of the ESE department management team
  • 29/05/2018 - present: Ius promovendi
  • 25/10/2017 - present: EKL Scientific Steering Board
  • 29/08/2017 - present: PVMD outdoor testing facility
  • 02/07/2017 - present: Organizer International PV Systems Summer School
  • 15/02/2013 - present: Manager of the Photovoltaic Laboratory

Teaching activities

  • On-campus (since AY 2013-2014)
  • On-line (since AY 2016-2017)
  • International PV Systems Summer School (website, since 2017)
  • University Teaching Qualification completed on 02/02/2016

PhD thesis committees

  • 1 x KAUST (Areej Al-Zahrani)
  • 4 x EPFL (Laurie-Lou Senaud, Gizem Nogay, David Gablinger, Ali Naqavi)
  • 1 x KU Leuven (Arsalan Razzaq)
  • 3 x TU Berlin (Alexandros Cruz, Philipp Wagner, David Eisenhauer)
  • 5 x University of L’Aquila (Mirco Muttillo, Carmine Gianfagna, Gianluca Barile, Alfiero Leoni, Habeeb Bello)
  • 1 x LPVO (Žiga Lokar)
  • 2 x UNSW (Shuo Deng, Boron Sang)
  • 1 x ANU (Zetao Ding)
  • 1 x TU/e (Jurgen Palmans)
  • 1 x DTU (Maksym Plakhotnyuk)
  • 1 x Aalto University (Guillaume von Gastrow)
  • 1 x York University (Christian Schuster)
  • 1 x University of Pavia (Angelo Bozzola)

Organization of international workshops and conferences

  • nPV workshop, steering committee 2021-2022-2023
  • MRS Fall Meeting, (co-)chair 2016 - 2018
  • MRS Spring Meeting, co-chair 2016, organizing committee 2014-2015
  • OSA LEE Congress, co-chair 2017-2018, organizing committee 2014-2016
  • IEEE PVSC, abstract assessor c-Si topical area 2016-2018
  • Asian PVSEC, abstract assessor thin-films topical area 2016
  • 12th Euregional Workshop on Novel Concepts for Future Thin-Film Silicon Solar Cells, TUD-PVMD workshop, organizing committee 2010


  • American Chemical Society
  • Optica
  • Senior Membership (since July 2020)
  • Materials Research Society


  • Editorial Board Member at SOLMAT (IF = 7.267, since 2021)
  • Associate Editor at Optics Express (IF = 3.894, since 2018)
  • Guest Editor at Optics Express (2017), MRS Advances (2016) and Hindawi International Journal of Photoenergy (2014)


  • Peer-reviewed journal articles: > 130
  • Conference publications: > 300
  • Invited contributions: > 30 talks, > 55 lectures
  • h-index: 31 (Google Scholar)
  • Books: 4
  • Patents: 22 (6 in PCT phase)


  • Best poster award at the SiliconPV (2022, Dr. Zhirong Yao)
  • Top 20 abstract at the SiliconPV (2022, Dr. Malte Vogt, 9th place)
  • Top 20 abstract at the SiliconPV (2022, Miss Can Han, 3rd place)
  • Best Student award at the MRS Fall Meeting (2021, Miss Manvika Singh)
  • Best Student award at the 38th EUPVSEC (2021, Mr. Juan Camilo Ortiz Lizcano)
  • Best poster award at the 38th EUPVSEC (2021, Miss Manvika Singh)
  • Top 25 abstract at the 38th EUPVSEC (2021, Mr. Yifeng Zhao)
  • Top 25 abstract at the 38th EUPVSEC (2021, Mr. Yilong Zhou)
  • Best Student paper at the 48th PVSC (2021, Mr. Andres Calcabrini)
  • Top 25 abstract at the 37th EUPVSEC (2020, Dr. Luana Mazzarella)
  • Top 25 abstract at the 37th EUPVSEC (2020, Dr. Hesan Ziar)
  • Top 20 abstract at the SiliconPV (2020, Mr. Yifeng Zhao)
  • Best Student award at the 36th EUPVSEC (2019, Mr. Andres Calcabrini)
  • Top 25 abstract at the 36th EUPVSEC (2019, Mr. Juan Camilo Ortiz Lizcano)
  • Best Student award at the MRS Fall Meeting (2018, Miss Rita Montes)
  • Best Poster award at the 7th WCPEC (2018, co-authored)
  • Best Contribution award at the SiliconPV (2018, co-authored)
  • Best Student award at the MRS Fall Meeting (2017, Dr. Gianluca Limodio)
  • Best Student award at the 31st EUPVSEC (2015, Dr. Andrea Ingenito)
  • Best Poster award at the 6th WCPEC (2014, co-authored)
  • Best student award at the 27th EUPVSEC (2012)
  • Nomination Best Poster Award at the MRS Spring Meeting (2011)
  • Best poster award at the 23rd EUPVSEC (2008)



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