Dr. J.L.A. (Johan) Dubbeldam
Dr. J.L.A. (Johan) Dubbeldam
Short CV:
1990-1996 study theoretical physics UU
1996-2000 PhD student theoretical physics Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
2001-2003 Postdoc Mathematics TU/e
2003-2005 Postdoctoral fellow Physics TU/e
2005-2006 Fellow Max-Planck Institute Mainz
2006-2020 Assistant professor TU Delft
2021-Associate professor TU Delft
Research interest:
- Complex networks, network dynamics, dynamical systems, reaction-diffusion systems, mathematical biology.
- Stochastic effects on behavior of dynamical systems, which occur in biological systems such as translocating DNA chains, and in chemotaxis.
Interspecific competition shapes the structural stability of mutualistic networks
Xiangrong Wang / Thomas Peron / Johan L.A. Dubbeldam / Sonia Kéfi / Yamir Moreno
Stackelberg evolutionary game theory
how to manage evolving systems
Alexander Stein / Monica Salvioli / Hasti Garjani / Johan Dubbeldam / Yannick Viossat / Joel S. Brown / Kateřina Staňková -
A Markovian decision model of adaptive cancer treatment and quality of life
Péter Bayer / Joel S. Brown / Johan Dubbeldam / Mark Broom
Fisheries management as a Stackelberg Evolutionary Game
Finding an evolutionarily enlightened strategy
Monica Salvioli / Johan Dubbeldam / Kateřina Stañková / Joel S. Brown -
Applications of Hilfer-Prabhakar operator to option pricing financial model
Živorad Tomovski / Johan L.A. Dubbeldam / Jan Korbel
2023-04-12 - 2025-04-15