Dr. J.L.A. (Johan) Dubbeldam

Dr. J.L.A. (Johan) Dubbeldam


Short CV:
1990-1996 study theoretical physics UU
1996-2000 PhD student theoretical physics Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
2001-2003 Postdoc Mathematics TU/e
2003-2005 Postdoctoral fellow Physics TU/e
2005-2006 Fellow Max-Planck Institute Mainz
2006-2020 Assistant professor TU Delft
2021-Associate professor TU Delft

Research interest:

  • Complex networks, network dynamics, dynamical systems, reaction-diffusion systems, mathematical biology.
  • Stochastic effects on behavior of dynamical systems, which occur in biological systems such as translocating DNA chains, and in chemotaxis.



Ancillary activities