Photos workshop A pro-vice-chancellor profile Continued Fraction conversations Ein Kaffee bitte Herr Professor Doctor Brown (Braun?) Mike Keane and Hitoshi Nakada PolynaVytnova and John Conway Rob Tijdeman and Frans Oort Robbert Fokkink announces Frits Beukers The audience awaits the next talk Tobias Mueller is toxic Tom Kempton having dinner Vitaly Bergelson is waking up an innocent visitor at the Hague Museum of Arts Vitaly up close and personal Vitaly writes something in German Where is Sarah Munday Wieb Bosma Frank den Hollander and Alex Opoku concentrating Frits Beukers and Jan Aarts having lunch Hendrik Lenstra and John Conway discussing nimbers Henk Jager and Rob Tijdeman Jan Aarts John Conway and Marius Iosifescu Klaus Schmidt Mike Hochman is paying attention End of the talk Deel deze pagina: Facebook Linkedin Twitter Email WhatsApp Deel deze pagina