Kick-Off & Training “Towards Inclusive Education”

23 oktober 2024 12:45 t/m 13:30 - Locatie: Teaching Lab; Arena | Zet in mijn agenda

Education and teachers play an important role in the underrepresentation of several groups in STEM fields. Therefore, we want to support and educate teachers on the meaning of inclusive education, and provide them with the tools and examples to implement in their education. We will do so by organising training sessions for (future) teachers. These sessions are part of the ‘Towards Open Inclusive STEM Education’ project, funded by the Open Education Stimulation Fund, and in collaboration with staff from EEMCS, AS, CiTG, AE.


Shirley de Wit is a PhD Candidate at the EEMCS Faculty who focuses on women in Computer Science. With her double master's degree in Computer Science and Science Communication, she likes combining her technical knowledge and skills with social sciences. She started her research at VHTO the Dutch expert centre on gender diversity in STEM. Since February, she continues her work at the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Center for Education and Learning. Her work includes research on stereotypes, interest development and gender-inclusive education. With her research, she hopes to contribute to closing the gender gap in Computer Science.  

Target group:  Staff & Students 

Format:  Workshop & training 

Food options: Coffee & Tea

Accessibility of the room booked:  Location is accessible by wheelchair. 

Language:  English