Version control & Collaborative development for Research Software

07 oktober 2024 12:30 t/m 10 oktober 2024 17:00 - Locatie: Orange room | Zet in mijn agenda

This hands-on workshop introduces the learners to using Git for effectively managing source code and decentralised repositories like GitHub and GitLab. Participants will also be introduced to guidelines for successful collaboration and management of research software, establishing efficient workflows and splitting responsibilities within a project.

The workshop covers these three areas:

  • Using the Git index and history to track versions
  • Using branches and remote repositories to develop and share code
  • Principles and applications to collaborative software development for research software.

This workshop is open for TU Delft PhD candidates, researchers and research support staff with no or little knowledge of versioning with Git and collaborative software development, but who expect to develop and manage source code of research software.

Relevant information

The workshops are:

  • Monday 7 October until Thursday 10 October 2024
  • 12:30 – 17:00 hrs each day
  • in the Orange room


Participants should be able to use the command-line interface (CLI) with the Unix Shell, or be willing to learn using it at a basic level before the workshop. Specifically, participants should be able: 

  1. to navigate and visualise content of directories (folders)
  2. to create, copy, move and delete files and directories
  3. to edit files with terminal-based text editors, such as nano, vim, emacs, etc.
  4. to visualise hidden files and directories
  5. to redirect and append a command output to a file

Participants with no experience with CLI are required to complete one of the following crash courses before the workshop:

Participants with no experience with terminal-based text editors, please make sure you can use nano, which is the editor instructors will use.

TU Delft PhD candidates obtain 1.5 GS credits (Research Skills) when attending all days of the workshop and actively participating in the exercises and discussions. The workshop is jointly developed and delivered by the TU Delft Digital Competence Centre (DCC)Watermotion | Waterbeweging and TU Delft Data Stewards.


If you have any questions about the workshops, please contact: