Creating an R package (the sequel)

23 februari 2024 12:00 t/m 13:30 - Locatie: TU Delft Library, Orange Room | Zet in mijn agenda

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Have you always wanted to know more about the programming language R? Join the TU Delft informal R Café on February 23. You are welcome from 12.00 – 13.30 hours. Themed: ‘Creating an R Package (the sequel)’. No prior experience with R is necessary.

Please feel free to join this multidisciplinary group of R enthusiasts that run a supportive community of practice for PhDs and researchers who are working with R, or who want to begin. Their informal get-togethers are open to anyone who wishes to join. R Café started two years ago. It’s a community of people interested in the programming language called R, a versatile and powerful tool for statistical computing and data analysis.

Don’t hesitate! Let’s catch up on February 23!

This session follows the previous R Café held in January. Missed the previous session? No problem, you can still join us! If you want, you can view the presentation from the previous session.

Organised by: TU Delft R Café