Design and AI symposium 2024

22 oktober 2024 12:30 t/m 23 oktober 2024 17:30 - Locatie: TU/e Campus, tba. | Zet in mijn agenda

Embedding the Magic and the Real

Almost everyday for the last couple of years we are being surprised by the hype and the latest magical innovations of artificial intelligence. Initially this AI magic seemed far away from the reality of most design practitioners and researchers. The magic was not yet to be designed, or in overly shiny, or extremely dark fictions and scenarios.

However with experience, improved performance, and availability of tools the magic of AI is now becoming more firmly and deeply embedded into the reality of everyday design.

Join us in the fall of 2024 during Dutch Design Week, on October 22 and 23, where for two days of keynote presentations, talks and workshops we will explore where design is and where it is going in this summer of AI.