Live Podcast Recording on Empathy Centric Design (Episode #3)

03 juli 2024 17:00 t/m 18:00 - Locatie: Online | Zet in mijn agenda

On 3 July, you are invited to (digitally) join IDE researchers Uğur Genç and Himanshu Verma as they host (and record) the latest episode of their podcast series, “Conversations on Empathy Centric Design”.

The episode will be centred around a conversation between associate professor Rachel Adler from the University of Illinois and assistant professor Bruno Oro from Iowa State University. 

About the episode
As digital spaces become increasingly prevalent in our lives, understanding and fostering empathy through design is more important than ever. This event aims to spark a conversation around how we can extend our empathetic reach beyond the individual to create more inclusive and understanding digital environments.

The event is on line and runs from 17:00 – 18:00 CET. You can register to attend here.