ACCESS - Welcome to Delft

13 september 2024 09:30 t/m 12:45 - Locatie: DOK Library | Zet in mijn agenda

In collaboration with ACCESS we welcome you to the first Welcome to Delft-event of the year. It will take
place on Friday 13 September from 09:30 (programme below). These events are free of charge, but pre-
registration will be required.
There is no better way, to get settled, than to hear some tips & tricks, have a chance to ask some general
questions, and, meet others in a similar situation. For this reason, the TU Delft and the City have asked
ACCESS to plan and manage a ‘Welcome to Delft’ session.


09:30 – 09:45 Arrival/coffee at DOK Library Vesteplein 100 2611WG Delft
09:45 – 09:50 Welcome by City of Delft
09:50 – 09:55 Welcome by Delft University of Technology
10:00 – 10:30 Living in the Netherlands: “Who are the Dutch?”
10:30 – 10:45 Introduction to local resources for cultural & sporting activities
10:45 – 10:55 Introduction to ACCESS website & useful resources
10:55 – 11:15 Coffee, tea break and prepare for walk
11:15 – 12:45 Guided walking tour of historic city centre

Register Here