4TU Training | Empower Engineering Education | Entrepreneurship by Design | 20 November

20 november 2023 09:00 t/m 17:00 - Locatie: Utrecht - Door: Ufuk Gür | Zet in mijn agenda

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Exclusive Training for 4TUs Faculty!

The leading minds behind two decades of research on entrepreneurial behavior of engineers are excited to unveil an exclusive training program tailored for the esteemed faculty of the 4TUs.Teaching faculty at the 4TUs who are dedicated to revolutionizing engineering education and nurturing the next generation of entrepreneurial engineers are invited to attend. This is a unique opportunity to shape the future of engineering education in the Netherlands and obtain a prestigious credential to add to your academic development. For detailed program insights and registration, please contact us directly at d.r.gur@tudelft.nl.

For more information, please click the button below.

  • Date & Time > 02 November 2023, 09:00-20:00.
  • Place > Utrecht.
  • Venue > TBA.
  • Questions? > Email to d.r.gur@tudelft.nl.