'How to Build/Behold a Quantum Chip'

04 december 2023 12:45 t/m 13:45 - Locatie: TU Delft Library, Main Hall | Zet in mijn agenda

This event is fully booked.

This is as close as you can get to touching quantum!

Please join Roald van der Kolk, from the research facility for nanofabrication at TU Delft, Kavli Nanolab. Roald will educate us on the material science of quantum–specifically chip fabrication and thin film effects that create fantastic colors like the ones used to create the visuals in the Lens(less)ness exhibition. He will tell the story of the quantum chip and its unique architecture, soon to replace our binary lenses/understandings.

After the lecture, Roald will be joined by graduate researchers from QuTech for an informal show and tell of materials used in building quantum chips here on campus.

Lunch will be provided and there will be a small physics trivia with quantum prizes.

Photo credit: Quantware