Optimized Scheduling and Sizing of an Energy Storage System into a UFCS

27 november 2023 13:30 t/m 28 november 2023 19:00 - Locatie: EEMCS-Hall G, 36.HB.00.230 - Door: DCE&S | Zet in mijn agenda

MSc defense of Jasper Meyboom

This research focuses on the integration of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) with Direct Current Ultra-Fast Charging Stations (UFCS) in response to the increasing adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). UFCS, using DC, offers faster charging and better compatibility with renewable energy sources compared to traditional AC charging methods. The study evaluates the techno-economic feasibility of this integration, considering technological and market constraints. It aims to alleviate grid congestion, notably in the Netherlands, and optimize BESS charging based on market price fluctuations, potentially reducing energy costs by up to 49% and network operator costs by up to 79%.

The research also examines battery aging in relation to operational patterns, finding that extensive use in cost-saving operations can reduce battery lifespan. However, larger battery configurations with lower average currents showed longer life cycles, indicating long-term economic viability. The study concludes that optimally sized BESS can significantly reduce lifetime costs for UFCS, with savings up to 56% for new installations and 46% for existing ones. The minimal performance variance between the analytical and actual battery models underscores the practical viability of BESS-integrated UFCS, highlighting its economic and technical benefits in electric mobility.