Opportunity Charging: A case study based on real-life public transportation scenarios

08 juni 2023 10:00 t/m 12 juni 2023 10:26 - Locatie: Elekronzaal HB01.230 - Door: DCE&S | Zet in mijn agenda

MSc defense of Talha Kuruoğlu

The thesis will focus on the implementation of inductive chargers for opportunity charging of electric buses at bus stops. The first part of this paper will provide a discussion about the powertrain model made in Matlab/Simulink. The opportunity charger will then be added to the model to analyze the effects of opportunity charging on the bus.  The feasibility of PV systems as input for the chargers at bus stops is analyzed using a PV model.  A PV system is insufficient to power the chargers on its own but it still can provide a significant percentage of the charger power demand.