Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Modular Medium Voltage (10 kV) Solid-State Transformer Application

22 augustus 2023 15:00 t/m 23 augustus 2023 13:42 - Locatie: HB01.230-Elektronzaal - Door: DCE&S | Zet in mijn agenda

MSc defense of Deepak Bikkina

This research project focuses on developing an isolated bidirectional DC-DC converter using a planar transformer to connect a low-voltage DC microgrid (e.g., solar-based car parking system) to a medium-voltage AC grid. The chosen topology is the single-phase Dual Active Full Bridge (DAFB) for its bidirectional power flow capabilities. A single-phase shift control strategy is implemented for its simplicity and efficient data transfer across high isolation. The project involves parameter optimization for the DAB and planar transformer design, considering factors like shielding and termination for high isolation