[SEJ] Ullrika Sahlin: Semi-formal expert judgements – lessons learnt from food safety
14 februari 2023 14:00 t/m 15:00 | Zet in mijn agenda
A scientific assessment usually involves a group of scientific experts with the task to gather available evidence and answer an assessment question. Organizations carrying out scientific assessments have guidelines to support different steps in assessments and ensure good practice. The Scientific Committee at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) adopted in 2014 a Guidance of Expert Knowledge Elicitation in Food Safety Assessments. It recommends making using formal and probabilistic expert judgement. I will describe the progress in implementing structured expert judgement in these scientific assessments, and provide reflections on the choice of methods for EKE, the needs to adapt the requirements on formality and level of precision in probabilistic judgements to the applied context.