Meet the confidential advisors

Lunch included

13 maart 2023 13:00 t/m 14:00 - Locatie: Aula, Commissiekamer 3 | Zet in mijn agenda

Dear Women of TU Delft,

Anyone who works or studies at TU Delft can turn to the confidential advisors for support or advise. That is to say: staff, students, external doctoral candidates and researchers/teaching staff with a hospitality declaration.

The team consists of five internal confidential advisors and one external confidential advisor. Internal confidential advisors are employed at a faculty or university services department; the external confidential advisor is not employed at TU Delft. You can find more information here.

DEWIS organizes lunch meeting with the confidential advisors on a regular basis. Get to know our confidential advisors and find out what they can do for you.
Ask any questions relating to academic integrity, social integrity or organisational integrity. Or just meet them while having a nice lunch.