Screening of the itinerant film club 'Reporting the Delta' - Limits and Inevitabilities

15 december 2023 17:00 t/m 19:30 - Locatie: Radius CCA, Kalverbos 20, 2611 XW Delft | Zet in mijn agenda

I am happy to invite you to join the third screening of the itinerant film club Reporting the delta. 

The project Reporting space, time and everyday life in the Delta investigates the natural, social, and spatial transitions of the Netherlands before and after the execution of the Delta Works by means of motion pictures.

 The documentaries of the screening Limits and Inevitabilities call attention to the past trend of building infrastructure in the Netherlands to debate how much we currently rely on engineering and question our common responsibility in dealing with climate adaptation. Considering past failures and future predictions showcasing that adapting dikes, dams, and polders to climate change effects might no longer be possible, questions on the reconceptualization of the established design traditions and the creation of alternative design pathways emerge.

15 December - 17.00-19.30 
Radius CCA, Kalverbos 20, 2611 XW Delft

Film screening:
Wakers en Dromers, Annette Apon, 1994 
Een Zaak van Niveau, Louis van Gasteren, 1989

Conversation moderated by Luca Iuorio [TUD] with Niekolaas Johannes Lekkerkerk [Radius CCA], Gaby Langendijk [Deltares], Michele Cerruti [Politecnico di Torino], Ester van de Wiel and Joost Adriaanse [-zee -plaats -werk -land].

Luca Iuorio
Assistant Professor
Spatial Design of Future Deltaic Systems