
08:45-09:30 Registration & Coffee

09:30-10:00 Welcome (hybrid)

• Peter Palensky, chair PowerWeb Institute & Natalia Romero Herrera, Professor in Energy

10:00-10:50 Keynote by David Shipworth (hybrid)

11:00-12:20 Interactive Parallel Panel Sessions (hybrid)
• Integrating Sustainable Energy in Householdes (Moderator: Stella Boess)
• Exploring the Social and Technical Challenges of the Energy Grid in Amsterdam South-East (Moderators: Abhigyan Singh and Arjen van der Meer)

12:30-13:50 Lunch at the Green Village
• Caspar Chorus, Dean Faculty of Industrial Design and Engineering
• Introduction to the 24/7 Lab

14:00-15:30 Workshops and Panel Session
• Workshop: Applying Co-Creation in the Dutch Energy Transition (Facilitators: Jotte de Koning, Sonja van Dam, Floris Sombeek) (In person only)
• Workshop: Energizing with Data (Facilitators: Natalia Romero Herrera & Jacky Bourgeois) (Hybrid)
• Session: Flash Talks and networking (Moderator: Yumiko Henneberry)

15:45-16:30 Keynote: Caroline Nevejan (hybrid)

16:30-17:00 Closing
• Session summaries
• Closing by Peter Palensky

17:00-18:00 Network drinks

Program details

MORNING Parallel sessions:

Parallel session 1: Integrating Sustainable Energy in Households

Audience: Company representatives, practitioners, service providers, or researcher engaged in the energy transition with interests at the user or household level. Session objectives:  Present insights on energy consumption and sustainable technologies, what is being done currently to support residents in adopting sustainable habits and technologies, and discuss criteria and considerations involved in system integration at the household level.
Moderator: Stella Boess, PhD (IDE)
• Evert van Beek (IDE): Understanding household activities and technologies
• Albert Dorland (Escom Arnhem): Current Dutch developments in making the energy transition feasible and affordable
• Baudouin Knaapen (Stichting Woon!): Guiding residents in adapting energy efficiency practices

Parallel Session 2: Exploring the social and technical challenges of the energy grid in Amsterdam South-East
Audience: Researchers, practitioners, energy innovators, energy service providers and other businesses that are engaged or interested in the energy transition at the neighborhood-level.
Session objectives: This session will be based on ongoing work of Local Inclusive Future Energy (LIFE) project. The session will consist of two parts. The first part will comprise a series of flash presentations that introduce the LIFE project, technical and social challenges of the energy grid at the Amsterdam South-East area and various approaches the project is exploring. The second part of the session will be an interactive panel session with the audience.
Moderators: Abhigyan Singh, PhD (IDE) & Arjen van der Meer, PhD (EWI)

• Avi Ganesan (Resourcefully)
• Frits Wattjes (Alliander)
• Esther Jansen (Gemeente Amsterdam)
• Stefan Kop (Spectral)
• Digvijay Gusain (PowerWeb Institute)
• Abhigyan Singh (IDE-TU Delft)

AFTERNOON Parallel Sessions:

Workshop 1: Applying Co-creation in the Dutch Energy Transition

Audience: Industry and researchers interested in how to better involve and engage end users and other stakeholders in the energy transition.
Session objectives: Co-creation can be thought of as “collaborative innovation” and involves directly engaging stakeholders and end-users in exploring innovative solutions or ideas. By involving stakeholders more intimately in a project allows them to be more invested in your work, help you identify any pitfalls or challenges, and can play a critical role in moving your project outcomes forward. Learn how co-creation methods can advance your goals of integrating sustainable energy usage and ideas in neighborhoods, communities, and municipalities. In this session you will engage in an actual co-creation session and discuss the advantages and opportunities, while addressing any potential hic-ups.
• Jotte de Koning, PhD (IDE)
• Sonja van Dam, PhD (IDE)
• Floris Sambeek, MSc (IDE)

Workshop 2: Energizing with Data
Audience: Anyone interested in how different perceptions can play a role in the decision-making around energy optimization in buildings.
Session objectives:  Demonstrate and discuss the role of “Challenges with data” to energize users to critically think on the question “What does it take to make a change?” The discussion will consider the manifestation of different roles of participation, the social and physical environment, and the available data
• Natalia Romero-Herrera, PhD (IDE)
• Jacky Bourgeois, PhD (IDE)

Workshop 3: Energy Flash Talks
Audience: Those interested in ongoing projects related to the energy grid
Session objectives: Looking for research or industry collaborators? Need a platform to pitch a research idea? Want to share outcomes of your awesome study in bite-sized pieces? Interested in general about what’s happening at the front lines of the energy transition? Please join us for a networking session to share your ideas and results. The first half (45-60 min) of the session will involve interested speakers present 1-2 slides about their project, idea, or collaborative interest for 3-5 minutes. The second half will take place in the social space where you can discuss your ideas more with interested members of the audience. Online and live presentation options available. We will ask for presentations to be sent before and post on website. Please email Yumiko Henneberry with any questions
Format: First half (45-60 min) Each speaker has one slide and 3 minutes to pitch their project. Next half – interested audience can speak with researchers via zoom breakout or in person. We will ask for presentations to be sent before and post on website.
Moderator: Yumiko Henneberry, PhD (IDE)