Multi-Objective Optimisation Framework for Electrical Machines based on Open Source Platforms

25 augustus 2022 14:00 t/m 26 augustus 2022 11:16 - Locatie: Lipkenszaal LB01.150 - Door: DCE&S | Zet in mijn agenda

MSc thesis of Ansh Rajdev

This thesis used opens source packages to make a Multi Objective Optimisation Framework that is to be used for designing electrical machines. Multi-Objective Optimisation algorithms provide a set of designs that are Pareto optimal i.e. any improvement in one objective comes at the cost of performance in another objective. This gives the designer a set of designs with different trade-offs between objectives and they can choose the design that satisfies the objectives and constraints the best. Various multi-physical performance indicators are modelled such as average torque, losses and thermal distribution of the machine. The framework is then used to explore the specific power density limit of a drone motor.