Development of Resonance-Based Test System to Measure Lifetime Curves of Dielectric Material

26 augustus 2022 13:00 t/m 27 augustus 2022 11:22 - Locatie: Elektronzaal HB01.230 - Door: DCE&S | Zet in mijn agenda

MS thesis of Ashutosh Patil

This project’s objective is to develop a resonance-based test system to measure lifetime curves of dielectric materials. The major components of this project are the H-Bridge Circuitry found on the low voltage side and the resonant transformer which is tuned with the test sample to be in resonance. The design techniques and critical design factors have been discussed for both components. Lifetime tests were performed on oil-impregnated paper and epoxy samples. Both samples behaved differently with the setup, it was concluded that the setup in it’s current state cannot be used for lifetime testing of these materials. Recommendations are provided to improve the setup along with further topics that need to be studied.This project’s objective is to develop a resonance-based test system to measure lifetime curves of dielectric materials. The major components of this project are the H-Bridge Circuitry found on the low voltage side and the resonant transformer which is tuned with the test sample to be in resonance. The design techniques and critical design factors have been discussed for both components. Lifetime tests were performed on oil-impregnated paper and epoxy samples. Both samples behaved differently with the setup, it was concluded that the setup in it’s current state cannot be used for lifetime testing of these materials. Recommendations are provided to improve the setup along with further topics that need to be studied.