Nieuws & Agenda

02 juni 2020

Efficiency and Safety in Geothermal Operations

Efficiency and Safety in Geothermal Operations

A fund of 3.4M€ has been awarded by the European Commission to a project on geothermal energy, that will be led by researcher Maren Brehme (TU Delft). The project entitled ‘EASYGO: Efficiency and Safety in Geothermal Operations‘ is one of the Innovative Training Networks meant for extraordinary global research as well as excellent training opportunities for PhD candidates to reach doctorate level.

21 mei 2020

Aad Correljé in TU Delta over effecten van corona op de wereldhandel

Aad Correljé in TU Delta over effecten van corona op de wereldhandel

De globalisering loopt door corona tegen haar grenzen. En een negatieve olieprijs? "Dat is een unicum", aldus Aad Correljé.

21 mei 2020

Aad Correljé op Energiepodium over corona en het huidige economische systeem

Aad Correljé op Energiepodium over corona en het huidige economische systeem

Het huidige globale, flexibele, just-in-time economische systeem met relatief lage transactiekosten zal na de coronapandemie voorbij zijn, aldus Aad Correljé.

01 mei 2020

Sabine Roese in Energiepodium over de energietransitie

Sabine Roese in Energiepodium over de energietransitie

Sabine Roeser vertelt in een podcast over de rol van emoties in de coronacrisis, en wat de eventuele invloed van de coronacrisis is op de energietransitie.

30 april 2020

NWO Indonesia project on energy transition in Indonesia approved

NWO Indonesia project on energy transition in Indonesia approved

Kornelis Blok and Jaco Quist will be working with the Technical University of Bandung in a broader consortium to do research on the renewable energy transition in Indonesia. The project ‘Regional Development Planning and Ideal Lifestyle of Future Indonesia - By Utilizing Advance Green Energy Technology and Trans/Inter-disciplinary Approaches’ is funded by NWO and the Indonesian research council. In the project, TU Delft will be focusing on making participatory renewable energy scenarios, implementation pathways and techno-economic assessment of renewable energy sources. One PhD candidate and one postdoc will be hired. Colleagues from the water management department of the CEG faculty will also participate in the project.