Nieuws & Agenda

12 juni 2019

EFESTO wins the Energy Start-up Voucher ánd Ideation Category of TU Delft Ideation Contest

EFESTO wins the Energy Start-up Voucher ánd Ideation Category of TU Delft Ideation Contest

The energy transition is a major challenge for society for which we are going to require multiple solutions. DEI stimulates the development of good ideas from students that can make a change for the better.

06 juni 2019

TU Delft Student at 10th Int. Clean Energy Ministerial/ 4th Mission Innovation Ministerial

TU Delft Student at 10th Int. Clean Energy Ministerial/ 4th Mission Innovation Ministerial

Sukanya Prabhudesai, former chair of the Energy Club, represented the TU Delft students at the CEM/MI annual event in Vancouver. Read about her impressions and encounters (DG Energy Sandor Gaastra) on her blog.

05 juni 2019

Official opening PowerWeb Insitute during conference 'Inclusive Energy Transition'

Official opening PowerWeb Insitute during conference 'Inclusive Energy Transition'

By 'cutting the ribbon/cable' John Schmitz, dean EEMCS faculty opened the PowerWeb Institute. This was part of the annual conference with this year's theme 'Inclusive Energy Transistion'.

05 juni 2019

Aad Correljé op over warmtetransitie

Aad Correljé op over warmtetransitie

Anders dan in de wereld van elektriciteit en gaslevering, kunnen leveranciers en transporteurs niet worden gescheiden betoogt Aad Correljé, universitair hoofddocent Economie van Infrastructuren aan de TU Delft en verbonden aan het Clingendael International Energy Programme. De overheid moet volgens hem publieke en private partijen de ruimte geven om nieuwe mogelijkheden voor de warmtetransitie te verkennen.

27 mei 2019

Arno Smets benoemd tot Mission Innovation Champion

Arno Smets benoemd tot Mission Innovation Champion

Professor Arno Smets is gelauwerd als een van de eerste Mission Innovation Champions, een nieuw initiatief om pioniers op het gebied van schone energie te eren.