Nieuws & Agenda

23 november 2020

Photovoltatronics: slimme zonnecellen die met elkaar praten

Photovoltatronics: slimme zonnecellen die met elkaar praten

Wanneer je op straat loopt en naar gebouwen kijkt, zie je niet dat elk stukje oppervlak z’n eigen elektriciteit genereert en opslaat.

20 november 2020

Team ZED van de TU Delft wint 4TU Impact Challenge

Team ZED van de TU Delft wint 4TU Impact Challenge

Team ZED heeft de Dutch 4TU Impact Challenge gewonnen en gaat naar de World Expo in Dubai.

19 november 2020

New approach to make the cloud run sustainably

New approach to make the cloud run sustainably

Just like the roads that provide access to them and the dikes that protect them, cloud datacentres have become an essential part of our national, and worldwide, infrastructure. Thanks to capacity planning research by TU Delft master’s student Georgios Andreadis, these datacentres may continue to meet the ever-growing computational demands while reducing their operational costs and increasing their efficiency and environmental sustainability.

12 november 2020

Warmte efficiënter omgezet in elektriciteit door te sleutelen aan nanostructuur

Warmte efficiënter omgezet in elektriciteit door te sleutelen aan nanostructuur

Delftse materiaalwetenschappers hebben ontdekt dat de energieopbrengst uit warmte efficiënter kan, door aanpassingen te doen in de nanostructuur van het thermo-elektrische materiaal. Hun artikel is onlangs gepubliceerd in Nano Energy.

10 november 2020

Roel Dobbe in Geographical about the carbon footprint of AI and cloud computing

Roel Dobbe in Geographical about the carbon footprint of AI and cloud computing

Artificial intelligence offers high potential solutions to the climate crisis, but evidence suggests that AI systems and cloud computing will need to clean up their own energy bills. Roel Dobbe, AI researcher, explains that in the AI field, there is a dominant but false belief that “bigger is better”, and that assumption drives the use of increased computation and bigger data sets in the development of AI models. As AI relies on more computational power, its carbon footprint increases.