Martijn de Gier - Right to Repair/ Recht op Reparatie

This exhibition is about the right to repair. "Right to Repair" is a movement for consumer rights and a set of proposed laws and regulations aimed at giving individuals and independent repair shops access to the information, tools and parts needed to repair a wide range of products themselves without depending on the manufacturer or authorized service providers. The exhibition will show how manufacturers have changed the design of products to add planned obsolescence or "made to fail" to modern products to sell more. The exhibition highlights the cost to consumers and the impact on the environment. It teaches visitors that once something is broken, it is not waste, but can still be restored to its original value. Visitors learn how companies are responsible for environmental impacts and how they are forced to participate in this system of waste and product failure.

Collection: Objects that can be repaired/restored by at home by the buyers themselves

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