Isabel Jong Tjien Fa - People Connected: across distance and time

Through and through, people have been widely social beings. We cherish connection and find love and comfort in our bonds with others. From primitive times all the way to the present time, we have managed to find ways to stay connected. So how have people maintained connections with those in other villages, countries or even continents?

This exhibition explores the evolution of methods and devices that have made long distance communication possible, and how these different advancements may have had an immense impact on the way we cherish and view personal connection. From waiting months on end to receive a handwritten letter from loved ones, to nowadays even seeing their face on a screen in real-time! As we take a stroll through time and history, we experience the constantly evolving inventions of our limitless minds. If there is one thing humans are good at, we’ll always find a way to stay connected to the ones dear to us.

This project incorporates lots of colours, unexpected ways of displaying objects, and different ‘’sets’’ throughout the route of the exhibition to constantly keep the visitors intrigued and engaged. It plays with touch, sight and sound; the three senses that are focused on in the evolution of communication devices. The exhibition is not tailored to one certain group, but rather caters to people of all walks of life.

Collection: Devices and methods for long-distance communication

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