Delft Safety & Security Institute Helps Ideas Grow

News - 09 November 2023

With its seed funding programme, TU Delft Safety & Security Institute aims to increase the joint impact of safety & security research and education at TU Delft. Through a yearly call for proposals, researchers are invited to send in a one-page idea for a project or activity. The idea behind ‘seeding’ is that a small incentivisation (up to 15,000 euros) can make a difference. Ideas must work towards ‘a next step’, something bigger to be achieved with people from different disciplines, and have societal relevance. Collaboration with non-academic stakeholders is encouraged. Since the start of the programme, 32 projects have been awarded. Six leading researchers present their funded projects here.

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Process safety & security in the digital age

Ming Yang

Faculties of AE, AS, CEG, TPM and 3ME*

Safe & secure innovation for future digital infrastructures

Aaron Ding

Faculties of AE, EEMCS and TPM*

Overengineering and safety: like oil and water?

Oscar Oviedo-Trespalacios

Faculties of IDE and TPM*

Predictive maintenance as a game changer

Marcia Baptista

Faculties of A+BE, AE, CEG, TPM*

Connecting climate, economy, and water models

Jazmin Zatarain Salazar

Faculties of EEMCS and TPM*

*TU Delft Faculties A+BE = Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment CEG = Civil Engineering and Geosciences EEMCS = Faculty Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science IDE = Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering AE = Faculty of Aerospace Engineering TPM = Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management AS = Faculty of Applied Sciences 3ME = Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering