
233 results

11 October 2024

Bridging Climate and AI: a joint workshop event

Bridging Climate and AI: a joint workshop event

With a Climate & AI Workshop event on October 3rd, TU Delft AI Initiative and Climate Action Programme (CAP) joint forces to bring together (early career) researchers from all TU Delft faculties working at the intersection of climate and AI to explore relevant overlaps and related opportunities.

08 October 2024

New courtyard Bouwkunde officially opened

New courtyard Bouwkunde officially opened

Two years after the first ideas about transforming the courtyard of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment into a Urban Climate Grove, was ready to be opened. On Tuesday 1 October 2024, during a festive opening, Dean Dick van Gameren, Frank van Vliet (Delft alderman for Climate, Culture and Public Space) and Renate Geven (Asset Manager Buitenruimte at campus real estate CREFM), planted the final plants.

27 September 2024

Researchers from TU Delft and Cambridge University collaborate on innovative methods to combat Climate Change

Researchers from TU Delft and Cambridge University collaborate on innovative methods to combat Climate Change

19 September 2024

Unusual waves grow way beyond known limits

Unusual waves grow way beyond known limits

18 September 2024

A strong nose for trouble

A strong nose for trouble

Ammonia gas – it is both highly poisonous and corrosive, yet also often used in industry, or present around intensive livestock farming. To better mitigate the risks of ammonia leaks, Paddy French together with Lina Sarro and Sten Vollebregt will make smaller, more robust and eventually more affordable ammonia sensors. The NWO OTP programme has funded their research into a fully-integrated, single-chip sensor that incorporates two porous silicon carbide structures for detecting ammonia and humidity, all in a single layer and one etch step.