
233 results

23 September 2022

Developing a global standardization agenda against rising sea levels

Developing a global standardization agenda against rising sea levels

Filippo Grillo and Martijn Wiarda, both PhD candidates at TPM, have managed to secure a project from ISO, the International Organization for Standardization. They believe that standardization could help coastal communities and infrastructures adapt to sea-level rise and want to establish a global standardization agenda against rising sea levels.

22 August 2022

Measurement campaign maps GHG emissions and air pollution in Rotterdam

Measurement campaign maps GHG emissions and air pollution in Rotterdam

Scientists from TU Delft, together with scientist from other research institutions, will investigate how the reduction of urban greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution can best be monitored with atmospheric measurements. Monday, August 22, the measurement campaign will start in the Rotterdam region. TU Delft is using mobile rader equipment to measure urban emissions.

02 August 2022

How coastal seas help the ocean absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

How coastal seas help the ocean absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

The biologically productive North Sea impacts the global climate through exchange of carbon and nutrients with the Atlantic Ocean. A Dutch consortium of scientists will investigate how big this role of the North Sea really is. Under the leadership of the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), conduct a combination of field studies and computer model simulations will be conducted over the next four years to address this question. Models will be used to determine future effects of environmental and climate change on the North Sea, Atlantic Ocean and ultimately Earth’s climate. TU Delft's Peter Herman and Bram van Prooijen (Civil Engineering & Geoscience) are involved in the research.

18 July 2022

Gerdien de Vries in Trouw over wake-up call voor het klimaat

Gerdien de Vries in Trouw over wake-up call voor het klimaat

Het wordt snikheet. Is dit een wake-up call voor het klimaat? "Als mensen zelf klimaatverandering ervaren, wanneer de psychologische afstand verkleind wordt - wat nu steeds meer gebeurt - dan zijn mensen een stapje dichterbij het ondernemen van actie. Want hoe dichterbij iets komt, hoe moeilijker het is om er voor weg te rennen.” zegt Gerdien de Vries.

12 July 2022

'Het wordt heet onder onze voeten' - Delft Matters Magazine

'Het wordt heet onder onze voeten' - Delft Matters Magazine

Mochten de huidige middelen om klimaatverandering af te remmen falen, is climate engineering dan de oplossing? Eurocommissaris Frans Timmersmans sprak met wolkenprofessor Herman Russchenberg, die meer aandacht wil voor onderzoek naar technieken om de aarde af te koelen.