How to participate?


Eligible for application are all employees of TU Delft and Master students, whose projects are either currently undertaken at TU Delft or have been undertaken at TU Delft and have been completed after January 2023.
We gather nominations in the following ways: 

  1. Each Dean is allowed to nominate 2 candidates from her Faculty for the Prize. 
  2. Both the Students Council and the Graduate School (PhD Counsel) are allowed to nominate a fellow student or student project as Mekel Prize candidates. 
  3. Additionally, anyone is allowed to nominate him- or herself or another colleague, if the application is supported via signature by three other TU Delft colleagues.

For each nomination, please outline in your application what the project or activity has been about and why it deserves the Prize. Please deliver a concise and clear description of the project/activity, so that an interdisciplinary committee can understand what has been done. In the application, you are kindly invited to reflect on the responsibility aspects of the innovative idea, activity or project. We would like to receive a description, on how the idea, activity or project addresses the different aspects of the broad ideal of social responsibility (see the judging criteria below). Projects do not have to score on all criteria, but should tackle at least two of them.

We expect that each nomination lists one main applicant, who will be the main recipient of the Prize. Up to 2 other researchers can be mentioned as main contributors/members of a project team – they will be mentioned on the certificate. The prize money will be shared equally among the team members.
The interdisciplinary committee judges your innovation or project and your reflections on basis of the following criteria below.

Please submit your application by filling out this form (SSO) before the deadline of 10 October 2024. The main recipient of the prize is expected to be present at the award ceremony on 13 November, where the prize will be awarded by Prof. Tim van der Hagen.