A new concept of transition
The concept was presented at the following conferences:
- Energy and Climate Transformations: 3rd International Conference on Energy Research & Social Science, Manchester (UK), 20-23.06.2022
Presenter: Katharina Biely
Co-author: Gerdien de Vries
Title: Beyond techno-economic transitions: towards a conceptual framework to overcome path dependencies - 2021 International System Dynamics Conference, online, 25.- 30. 07.2021
Presenter: Katharina Biely
Co-author: Emile Chappin, Gerdien de Vries
Title: Understanding and overcoming the unfortunate resilience of our unsustainable socio-economic system. - Beyond Oil 2021, Bergen (Norway) & online, 20.- 21.10.2021
Presenter: Katharina Biely
Co-authors: Gerdien de Vries
Title: Behavioral change for a socio-economic transition: linking system with individual behavior in complex systems