Supply Chain Management
The Supply Chain Management elective package provides an integrated framework for understanding the product and information flows in and between companies that are part of global demand/supply chains in a rapid changing world. It shows how changes in the economy lead to changes in industries of local and nations governments (with a focus on the Netherlands), and how they should and can (re)act.
For whom?
This elective package is for students who are interested in intra- and inter- logistical infrastructures and its management in and between (departments of) companies in a wide variety of industries amongst the food, (fine) chemical, transportation, retail, construction, maintenance services, pharmaceutical and metallurgical industry, and that are interested in how they are imbedded in the local, regional and national economy, to be able to build sound policies.
Expected prior knowledge
The elective package has a strong engineering and management orientation. Interests in mathematics in decision making, mapping and modelling processes, optimizations, basic statistics and out-off the box thinking are desired.
What will you learn?
The elective package focuses on the understanding of the integration of enterprise functions as strategic and tactical management, forecasting, planning and scheduling, and on the co-operation and alignment between companies in supply chains these enterprises are part of, and its needs for positive policies and facilitating infrastructures. The focus is on the next generation innovations that will make supply chain more effective, efficient, smart and sustainable. Creating awareness by playing and designing serious supply chain games contributes to this understanding. In general the elective package offers insight in a variety of proven management approaches in industries that produce high-quality products that focus in reducing costs and improving services on all relevant levels of an enterprise and their supply chain partners. It also focusses on the multi-actor planning and assessment of possible choices in an economic and societal context.
Job Specialisation
Graduates from this elective package may become a professional, as analyst, manager and/or consultant in the operational, logistics and supply chain field in a wide variety of industries and their service providers, or become policy advisors in the field of the economy, infrastructure and planning as one can find in the field of planning and realization of business parks, ports and inland terminals for a wide range of modalities.
Education methods
Written exams and assignments.
Course overview
Note: All courses will be given in English.
The course focuses on logistics and supply chains from raw material origin towards the final consumer and user. It provides an overview of the main logistics management decisions regarding the value adding by means of transportation, warehousing and production. From a supply chain perspectives it covers topics like: global trade and logistics, industrial clusters, supply chain strategies and organisations, supply chain mapping and modelling (SCOR), lean and agile supply chains, partnerships. Next to this the focus will be on logistics and supply chain innovations that will change the supply chain landscape like: sustainability, crosschain control towers, service logistics, internet of things, blockchains and synchromodaly.
Check study guide for more information
The goals this course are:
- To make students aware about the opportunities to learn via playing serious logistics and supply games;
- To understand the decisions and trade-offs that play a role within logistics processes that can be experienced within supply chains;
- To be able to design, develop and produce simple board and computer games to facilitate the awareness of players in respect to supply chain trade-offs and decisions.
Check study guide for more information.
Register for this elective
Please fill in your application in My Study Planning and enroll this elective package in Brightspace.
Contact details
In case of questions, please contact the coordinator Marcel Ludema.