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332 results

21 March 2023

Climate-proof coastal protection with 'living dikes'

Climate-proof coastal protection with 'living dikes'

Dikes protect the Netherlands from flooding. To keep the Netherlands safe in the future, several dikes are being reinforced in the High…

09 March 2023

What does Dutch society think about Dutch climate policy?

What does Dutch society think about Dutch climate policy?

From March 9, 2023 to April 21, 2023, all Dutch citizens can advise politicians on climate policy through the National Climate Consultation.…

28 February 2023

Tatiana Filatova one of eight winners of the 2023 Ammodo Science Award

Tatiana Filatova one of eight winners of the 2023 Ammodo Science Award

Today Ammodo announced that Tatiana Filatova is one of eight winners of the Ammodo Science Award for fundamental research 2023. The…

28 February 2023

Natalia Prozorova receives fellowship from MSCA4Ukraine scheme

Natalia Prozorova receives fellowship from MSCA4Ukraine scheme

The MSCA4Ukraine consortium has provided fellowships support to 111 post-doctoral and 13 doctoral researchers from Ukraine. This enables…

28 February 2023

TU Delft presents the eight best Climate Action & Energy Papers

TU Delft presents the eight best Climate Action & Energy Papers

Record temperatures, floodings and melting sea ice: radical weather events are becoming more frequent and have a devastating effect on our…

24 February 2023

16 million to keep the Dutch delta livable - even as it changes

16 million to keep the Dutch delta livable - even as it changes

Deltas and coastal plains are attractive places to live: fertile, flat, and open to the sea. These lowlands are, however, also vulnerable to…

15 February 2023

Granted TPM projects Open Education Stimulation Fund

Granted TPM projects Open Education Stimulation Fund

To enable TU Delft staff to innovate their courses with open education, the Open Education Stimulation Fund 2022 granted eleven project…

13 February 2023

Research for responsible AI in the military domain: REAIM2023

Research for responsible AI in the military domain: REAIM2023

Delft AI and ethics researchers lead academic forum of REAIM conference 15 and 16 February.

01 February 2023

TU Delft TPM partners in Horizon project ‘DUST’ - Democratising jUst Sustainability Transitions

TU Delft TPM partners in Horizon project ‘DUST’ - Democratising jUst Sustainability Transitions

The project Democratising jUst Sustainability Transitions (DUST) was selected for funding by the European Commission Horizon Europe…

19 January 2023

Start-up grant exploratory and participatory modelling for Health Technology Assessment

Jan Kwakkel and Saba Hinrichs-Krapels (MAS/Policy Analysis) have just been awarded a start-up grant from ZonMw as part of their Health…