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Archiving Educational Data

This page contains the TU Delft official guidelines on how long, where and how to store what educational data. 


As lecturers, you need to know how long and where you need to store data that you and your students produced, e.g. exams, answer models, student answers, assignments, projects, recordings of oral exams, etc. On this page you find the binding requirements that originate in the Archive Law and in the decision of DMA (Data Management and Archive) of the TU Delft. For more information, contact Teaching Support.  

Guiding principles

How to archive?

The options for ‘how to archive’ are sorted from ‘best practice’ (Green light), via ‘okay’ (Yellow light) to ‘strongly discouraged’ (Red light). 

Background information

  • Authors: Esther Maes (Library-DMA), Lisette Harting (TLS)
  • Co-authors: Privacy Team, Legal, Open Education (Library), Communication (Library), TLS 
  • Feedback received from: Student Council 
  • Owner of content: DMA, Taskforce Assessment 
Anchor Links Example