Honours Programme Delft

Honours Programme Delft (HPD) is a challenging extra-curricular education program for motivated and talented students. The main aim of the programme is to develop talent and initiative. Currently, 400 bachelor students and 200 master students from several faculties are part of the program.

Delft University Fund supports the following educational pilots within HPD.

Honours Kick Start Fund



TU Delft professors and/or staff can apply for funding to develop new courses or upgrade existing ‘regular’ courses for Honours Programme Delft. Delft University Fund finances the modules en offers donators the opportunity to associate with this initiative.


Personal Leadership: Studenten Hebben Dorst (SHD)



SHD is a developing online student platform, that offers tools to handle performance pressure and exploit their talents. In 2016, the student handbook is published. Delft University Fund supported the handbook as well as the online platform and promotional campaign, both financially and in kind.

Innovation Lab: The Happy City

Industrial Design


Students from three different universities and several academic backgrounds work together to develop a concept that will facilitate happiness in the cities of the future. Delft University Fund supports the development of the InnovationLab, financially and in the organization of events.


Master Class Alternatief Bouwen



In this education pilot, Sustainability, Material science, Environmental technologies, Design, cultural history and policy analysis are the main topics. Goal is to present a realizable building concept. Delft University Fund finances the travel and other expenses.