Dr. R. (Ryu) Koide

Dr. R. (Ryu) Koide


Ryu Koide is a visiting researcher at the Energy and Industry (E&I) Group, Department of Engineering Systems and Services (ESS), Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management (TPM) at Delft University of Technology. His primary position is as a senior researcher at the Material Cycles Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) in Japan.

Koide’s research explores policy and options for behavioural changes towards a circular economy (e.g., reuse, repair, sharing of products) and decarbonised lifestyles (e.g., leisure, dietary, mobility, housing choices) using quantitative methods. As a methodology, he combines agent-based modelling and simulation, life cycle assessment (e.g., carbon footprint), and consumer surveys (e.g., choice experiments). With an emphasis on an interdisciplinary approach, he is especially interested in using the models in exploratory ways (intersections between forecasting and backcasting), including identifying multiple possible pathways towards (un)achieving decarbonisation and circularity targets.

His background is in industrial ecology and policy study. He has a PhD from the University of Tokyo (Technology Management), an MSc from Johns Hopkins University (Government Analytics), and a B.Eng. from Waseda University in Japan (Environmental Engineering). Before joining academia, he worked in government-related industries as a consulting engineer in the global south and as a policy researcher engaging in the United Nations programme on sustainable consumption and production.

For publications before joining TU Delft, please refer to:



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