Drs.ing. R. Kamerling

Drs.ing. R. Kamerling



Innovative public-private program development for low and middle income settings in Health | Urban | Energy | Disaster Response / Resilience | Entrepreneurship.
Building innovative ecosystems in early stages.


TU Delft | Global Initiative
Scientists from Delft University of Technology use their expertise to find concrete solutions for worldwide problems, in close cooperation with local partners. TU Delft | Global Initiative is their portal, platform and booster of Science and Technology for Global Development. Special focus on Health | Urban | Energy | Disaster Response / Resilience | Entrepreneurship
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RIS Hub program from EIT Health The EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (EIT RIS) is the EIT Community’s outreach scheme. The scheme enables the transfer of good practices and know-how from the EIT’s unique approach to boosting innovation. More information
Citizen Engagement at EIT Health All of EIT Health’s activities are geared toward improving healthcare for European citizens, which means that citizens are beneficiaries of everything we do. Citizens are also a consideration in all of our activities, which is why we try to involve them in co-design of innovation and ensuring participatory, human-centred research. More information

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