Prof.dr. R.F. Mudde

Prof.dr. R.F. Mudde




  • 2016-4-1

    Education Fellows TU Delft 2016

    On 1 April 2016, Dick van Gameren (Architecture), Bas Flipsen (IDE), Joris Melkert (AE) and Fokko van de Bult (EEMCS) became TU Delft’s first four Education Fellows. The Delft Education Fellowships are awarded each year to four lecturers who make a substantial and valuable contribution to teaching at TU Delft. Each fellow receives an annual sum of €25,000 for a two-year period for their project.

    The lecturers are nominated by the dean of their faculty, and the Executive Board awards the Fellowships. Each Education Fellow works on a large educational project and acts as an ambassador for teaching at TU Delft, both within TU Delft and beyond.

Ancillary activities