M. (Marula) Tsagkari

M. (Marula) Tsagkari



Marula Tsagkari is a political ecologist from Athens, Greece.  She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at TU Delft (Netherlands).  Her work focuses on energy communities, energy self-sufficiency, technology and energy democracy. Marula holds a Ph.D. from the University of Barcelona (Honors),  an MSc in Environmental Science Policy and Management  (Distinction) from Central European University and the University of Lund, and a BSc in Biology from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.


Selected Publications: 

Tsagkari, M (2022)  The need for gender-based approach in the assessment of local energy projects Energy for Sustainable Development 68, 40-49

Tsagkari M,  Roca J, and  Stephanides, P (2021) Sustainability of local renewable energy projects: A comprehensive framework and an empirical analysis on two islands Sustainable Development

Tsagkari, M; Roca. J. and Kallis, G. (2021).  From local island energy to degrowth? Exploring democracy, self-sufficiency, and renewable energy production in Greece and Spain. Energy Research & Social Science 81

I Botetzagias, M Tsagkari, C Malesios E (2018) Is the ‘Troika’Bad for the Environment? An Analysis of EU Countries’ Environmental Performance in Times of Economic Downturn and Austerity MemorandaI  Ecological Economics 150, 34-51

M Tsagkari, A Gaona, JF Gonzalez, J Järvinen (2018) The evolution of carbon dioxide emissions embodied in international trade in Poland: An input-output approach Environmental & Socio-economic Studies 6 (3), 36-43

M Tsagkari (2020) Energy Governance in Greece. Handbook of Energy Governance in Europe

Foramitti J, Tsagakri, M and Zografos, C (2019) “Why degrowth is the only responsible way forward”. Open Democracy.

M Tsagkari (2019).”Rethinking Fashion. A confession of a degrowth advocate.” Resilience

Noll B. and Tsagkari M. (2020). Vulnerability and the Green New Deal: A Note of Caution.

Tsagkari (2017) ¨Planting the seeds of degrowth in times of crisis: Examples from Greece” Uneven Earth


Marula Tsagkari is a political ecologist from Athens, Greece.  She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at TU Delft (Netherlands).  Her work focuses on energy communities, energy self-sufficiency, technology and energy democracy. Marula holds a Ph.D. from the University of Barcelona (Honors),  an MSc in Environmental Science Policy and Management  (Distinction) from Central European University and the University of Lund, and a BSc in Biology from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.


Selected Publications: 

Tsagkari, M (2022)   The need for gender-based approach in the assessment of local energy projects Energy for Sustainable Development 68, 40-49

Tsagkari M,  Roca J, and  Stephanides, P (2021)  Sustainability of local renewable energy projects: A comprehensive framework and an empirical analysis on two islands Sustainable Development

Tsagkari, M; Roca. J. and Kallis, G. (2021).  From local island energy to degrowth? Exploring democracy, self-sufficiency, and renewable energy production in Greece and Spain. Energy Research & Social Science 81

I Botetzagias, M Tsagkari, C Malesios E (2018) Is the ‘Troika’Bad for the Environment? An Analysis of EU Countries’ Environmental Performance in Times of Economic Downturn and Austerity MemorandaI  Ecological Economics 150, 34-51

M Tsagkari, A Gaona, JF Gonzalez, J Järvinen (2018) The evolution of carbon dioxide emissions embodied in international trade in Poland: An input-output approach Environmental & Socio-economic Studies 6 (3), 36-43

M Tsagkari (2020) Energy Governance in Greece. Handbook of Energy Governance in Europe

Foramitti J, Tsagakri, M and Zografos, C (2019) “Why degrowth is the only responsible way forward”. Open Democracy.

Noll B. and Tsagkari M. (2020). Vulnerability and the Green New Deal: A Note of Caution.

Tsagkari (2017) ¨Planting the seeds of degrowth in times of crisis: Examples from Greece” Uneven Earth

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